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Nanobubbles significantly improve Cleaning in Place (CIP) process

This test was done for a dairy processing company that wanted to investigate the use of nanobubbles for improving removal of dairy products from Stainless Steel surfaces to reduce the company’s chemical use and to improve their sustainability.

CIP test was done in two groups with a total of 32 samples

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ONB Water:Oxygen Nanobubble Water

ANB Water:Air Nanobubble Water

CNB Water: Carbon dioxide Nanobubble Water

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Nanobubble systems in new zealand
Nanobubble systems in new zealand

Results for Group ‘Wash without Chemical’:

1. Highest improvement observed was with Carbon Nanobubble Water treatment: 349% more removal than control samples.

2. All the nanobubble treatment samples ad better removal rate than control samples.

Nanobubble systems in new zealand
Nanobubble systems in new zealand

Results for Group B ‘Wash with Chemical’:

1. Highest improvement observed was with Air Nanobubble Water at 10 mins treatment time: 57% more than control group.

2. At the end of treatment, 20 mins, Air Nanobubble Water andCarbon Nanobubble Water solution had better removal rate than control treatment.

Technical Sales Engineer for Nanobubble Systems, Leny Samuel said “The results of this test show that nanobubble water provides better cleaning on surfaces fouled with dairy products. This result is consistent with the cleaning effect of nanobubbles seen in pipes carrying nanobubble water in other applications such as hydroponics and algae bloom remediation in ponds.”

“Nanobubbles in water make it very difficult for organic and inorganic foulants to foul the surface. It was very insightful to find that the degree of cleaning effect varies with the type of gas used to produce nanobubbles. The CIP process can be greatly improved by adding nanobubbles in water during all stages such as pre rinse, caustic solution, acid solution, and final rinse.”

Benefits for organisations that use nanobubbles in their CIP process would be:

1. Cost savings - Reduction in the use of chemicals

2. Energy savings (temperature of hot water can be decreased)

3. Reduction in time required for cleaning

“The dairy processing company were impressed with the results and are finalizing trials with nanobubbles in a variety of applications in their processing plants.”

For more information on the report, how nanobubble addition works, type of gas to be used, potential integration with your existing system and how it can improve your business profitability, please contact the team at Nanobubble Systems in New Zealand and Australia on the email below.

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