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Dissolved Air

Flotation (DAF)

Lakes & Pond


Wastewater Treatment

Cleaning Processes

Spoilage and contamination of food wastes millions of dollars every year. Pathogens, viruses, and chemical residues can pose major health risks to consumers. These health risks have given rise to a sophisticated food safety industry that focuses on the handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent spoilage and food-borne illness caused by bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungus. Common treatment methods include costly chemicals and pesticides that are not suitable for human consumption. Another form of treatment is through the use of oxygen, ozone, and carbon dioxide (CO2). Our gas-to-liquid injection technology efficiently delivers oxygen or ozone to the treatment process, providing a natural alternative to chemicals and pesticides.


The persistence of pathogens like the norovirus in oysters or E. coli in lettuce presents a significant challenge to food processors. Sickness or death from consumption of contaminated food is preventable. Chemical treatments are not desirable and can affect taste and quality of products. Ozone and oxygen nanobubbles have been demonstrated to be highly effective in eliminating these pathogens while simultaneously enhancing shelf life. Additionally, the negatively charged nanobubbles help remove and destroy organics and pathogens from the surface of food.

pH Adjustment

While the use of CO2 for pH adjustment is common in various industries, the advantage of using the nanobubble generator is its high transfer efficiency, which exceeds 90%. Rather than losing the bulk of the gas through off-gassing as in a traditional system, we convert the bulk of the gas into nanobubbles that remain in suspension for significantly longer periods of time, creating a more effective and efficient pH-regulating method.

Horticulture & Hydroponics


Cleaning Processes

Oil & Gas

Cleaning & Pesticide Removal

Produce-washing tanks can be injected with oxygen nanobubbles and ozone to help generate hydroxyl radicals. The combination of these oxidizers in solution has been demonstrated to be very effective at breaking down volatile organic compounds like phenols, which are commonly found in pesticide and herbicide residue on produce. Nanobubbles can also replace the use of cleaning chemicals. Trillions of nanobubbles smaller than 200nm in size are effective at removing particulates from the surface due to their negative charge.

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